- Pink Floyd - The Division Bell
very psychedelic and mystical album. It happens to be ordinary, that you discover the real character of the certain albub, when you have played it twice or more. Music has to clear up some time, then it shows up its real face. :-) anyway, music is so wide area of discussion, that there will be no day when all you want to say about music, is told. And it is also fatal that every time you listen a song, tons of songs are created realtime. So you are not able to listen all world music within your short life :) so better get the best ouf of shit till your ears are able to hear :P
So now it's time to listen to Pink Floyd's 'Division Bell' - pay good attention to "talk to me"
I get addicted by some certain song sometimes (do you?), then I play it till every second of it is written on my ear drums. In 1998, I listened to the Marillion's 'Brave' - loud and often. If you happen to see 'Brave' somewhere in the CD-store, do not hesitate to purchase it. Every song in it is a whole album, and the album is one whole song. 'Brave' is not easy to listen, so if Britney is your no #1, this album is not for you.
What else. I've been workin' in the garden a few days (got to be out when there's sunny days, especiallt after 5 months rain, snow, ice and cold), so no funky articles in blog. If it rains, I'm back again in front of my 6 years old Hitachi display, radiating my eyes again :P By the way, Hitachy CM625 is the sharpest/best 17" trinitron-based display by far :) (ok, I haven't seen Eizo's from this era).
I'm dreaming about getting some serius photos / photo sessions from this summer, I need to go on with shooting people. If you'd like to get pictured, do not hesitate to send me mail - thanks :) .. thanks for help Krislin, new people are alway interesting to shoot :) a picture as follows:

and another:

There's also an upcoming protrait contest made public, Pentax Estonia is about to organize a grand contest including spectacular final show in 'Estonia' National Theathre.
So now I'm browsing my 24,000+ pics to find something to refer to the contest. Hard to find, actually. As the time goes on, the more you pay attention to the quality and concept. So what looked brilliant 3 years ago, might not look so marvellous today :) ..
I'm also thinking about making a film come-back somewhere in the near future - film colors are just so much better (even simple standard 35mm films). More current spendings, but that's how things are. I fell in love with film photography a few years ago, starting with simple Pentax MZ-50 SLR, then a few years later, till today, many different digital (point & shoot) cameras have been in use (Panasonic FZ10, Sony F717, Nikon 5400, Canon G5, Pentax *ist DS). Using *ist DS today and very happy with it. But film is more lively, so you should consider it one fine day too, if you are started your photography life with digital camera :)
1 comment:
Yeah...Pink Floyd rocks. They made very good music...
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