Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Sony RX100 mentioned by Time Magazine

Technology apartment of Time Magazine names Sony RX100 one of the most innovative products of the year 2012. Full story here.

This has triggered a massive discussion about if the camera is really worth the title (as no other digital cameras were not mentioned at the top 50 most innovative design list), at one of the most visited camera web sites theses days, dpreview.com (see the article here).

RX100 is a unique camera with relatively bright lens (F 1:1.8) and relatively large sensor (13.2x8.8mm, while most of the pocketable cameras use sensors sized 6x4mm, so literally more than five times smaller) - all packed in relatively small camera body (weight 240gr (typical smartphone is 150g, typical DLSR camera is around 1kg).

Following the article (been online a mere week) by Time magazine, the RX100 is now one of the most "clicked" (wanted) cameras on the internet. Looks like a solid product with known high level build quality by Sony, and the price tag ($650/€650) reflects this as well.

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