Little son of a crow. Perhaps 3 weeks old?.. Don't know. Was not able to fly so I pictured his eye. Lovely and blue. My grandma used to say crow is a flying rat (because of the crap that crow eats. Not false, I've seen crows eating dog's shit :P)
P R O @ D L A N C E R . N E T
Hi! I saw this picture of the crow's eye, and I absolutely love it! May I use this as a reference?-- I want to water color this piece! :-) Let me know soon!
Thank you,
Sorry for the late reply :-) I'm more outside taking picture from May to September...
Sure, go ahead and use this :-) I'd appreciate to take a look at the final art :-)
Yes! Of course-- I'll let you know! I'll post it on my blog when I'm done with a link back to your post as well! Thank you so much! :-)
thank you for letting me us your photo as reference! The final rendering of the painting is posted on my blog! check it outt:
thank you so much!!
Hi, just saw this stunning photo. i wrote a sonnet today about words. as i was writing, a crow headed for the living room window then sharply banked. the result? a crow ended up being the subject of the poem. would it be alright if i used your stunning photo to accompany the poem, first on facebook and then (at a later date) on my wordpress blog - whilst definitely linkng to this blog.
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